From your dashboard, click on "PDF Share."
You'll see the following screen, which has the status of your PDF File Shares. Note: We've got "Locked," "Accessed," "Resent," and "Email Updated" as status options.
Send Statuses
Locked = The link has expired and needs to be resent to the recipient.
Accessed = Your employee/recipient has opened his/her link.
Resent = You've resent the PDF File Share link to your employee/recipient.
Email Updated = You've updated the employee/recipient email address to which the PDF File Share link is going. Don't forget to resend it to the new email!
Resending PDF File Share eMails
Depending on the status of your PDF Share, you can Resend your secure PDF link to your employee/recipient, or you may update the employee/recipient email address where you'd like the secure link to go. Simply click on the "Actions" dropdown menu, and you'll be able to select your options.
Good on you! You've checked the statuses of your PDF File Share links!