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Import from Last Year

Want to import your prior year Payers, Recipients and Forms? Here's a step-by-step guide on how to that in the Helper.

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Written by Adams Tax Forms
Updated over 2 months ago

This feature will copy all your payers and their recipients from last year and create new blank forms for them. This is great for users who want to manually type new amounts on their forms (now even faster with the Save & Next button when you're editing forms). Some users may prefer to upload their data using a spreadsheet.

Using the Import from Last Year feature

From your dashboard, click on “Import Prior Year Forms.”

Note: for users with 100s or more forms, it can take some time to import.

Next, you’ll see a confirmation screen letting you know your import is complete.

Head over to the Forms list on your dashboard. All your imported forms are here. Click on the form to start updating your information. For example, if you’re updating a 1099-MISC, just click on the name of the form.

Now, you can easily update your information on the 1099-MISC form.

Once you’ve made all the necessary updates and everything looks good, just click “Save & Next” to go to the next form in your list.

When you’ve finished all your updates, you’ll end up back on the Forms list. Your updated form will now appear in your list as “Ready.”

And that's it! Your form is all set, and you’re ready to take the next steps like TIN Check, eFile, and more at checkout.

Great job! You’ve successfully imported your prior year forms and updated your data!

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