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Upload Form Amounts with an Excel Template

Here's an easy article on how to upload Form amounts in the Helper, all from an Excel Template!

Adams Tax Forms avatar
Written by Adams Tax Forms
Updated over 4 months ago

From your dashboard, click on "Import File" from the Create a Form menu.

Next, from the dropdown menu, select your form from the dropdown menu: we've got lots of new options this year, but in this case, we're using a Federal 1099-S.

Click Download Template.

Your Excel sheet will go to your downloads. Open it, and start filling in your data.

Once you've finished working with your Excel sheet, you'll get ready to Import it. Click on the dropdown menu under Import Forms, or drag your Excel sheet icon into the gray around around it. We're selecting our 1099-S to upload.

Click Browse Computer.

Double-click your Excel file and it will import.

You'll see the following screen when it does.

At the bottom right, click View Filings.

Your new form(s) will appear in your Forms list.

You can continue working in the Helper. Good on you! You've uploaded Form Amounts with an Excel template!

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