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How to check your eFile Status
How to check your eFile Status

Here’s how to look up your eFile date in Tax® Forms Helper®.

Adams Tax Forms avatar
Written by Adams Tax Forms
Updated over 6 months ago

From your dashboard, go to “Forms.”

Scroll down and you’ll see a list of your Forms, along with each eFile status. Here, we have several Federal eFile status updates: Incomplete, Processing, Ready, Accepted, and Rejected.

Incomplete = Your forms need to be looked over / are incomplete. Once corrected, you can submit them for eFiling to the IRS.

Submitted = Your forms have been submitted to the IRS.

Processing = Your forms are being processed for submission to the IRS.

Ready = Your forms can be submitted to the IRS for eFiling.

Accepted = Your forms have been accepted by the IRS.

Rejected = Your forms have been rejected by the IRS.

You can always check the status of your eFilings on this clear, simple layout.

Good work!

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