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Share a Recipient PDF

Need to send a PDF to an employee? Adam®s Tax Forms Helper® has you covered.

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Written by Adams Tax Forms
Updated over 6 months ago

You can securely send a PDF to your recipients using our IRS-compliant service. The recipient must have an email address saved to their information for this feature to be available.

From your dashboard, click on “Forms.”

Check the box (or boxes) of the filing you want sent as a PDF to your recipient.

Next, click the “Checkout and File” button.

Next, check the PDF File Share box. The box for PDF File Share will only be available for recipients that have the correct email address you have on record for them.

Agree to the Terms and Services by checking the box.

Click the yellow Checkout button.

Enter your information, including your Payment Method.

Click the Complete Order button.

You’ll see the following screen that shows Order Complete, and you can print for your records if you’d like.

You’ll be able to scroll down and see your Payer and Recipient info, as well as “Form sent as PDF.”

You’ll also receive an email with your order confirmation and details.

Good on you! You’ve shared a PDF file!

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