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Printing multiple records
Printing multiple records

Here’s how to print your tax forms in groups for speed & efficiency.

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Written by Adams Tax Forms
Updated over 5 months ago

Adams® Tax Forms Helper® makes it easy to print multiple payer records at the same time.

From your dashboard, go to “Forms.”

Click on “Forms” and the following screen will come up.

You’ll have to select the specific form(s) that you want to print: (1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1098, 1099-T, etc.). Check or uncheck boxes to choose your payer/recipients. You can also check the “Form” box to select all. In this case, we’re selecting two 1098s to print.

Next, Click the print button.

Decide if you want to print on a pre-printed IRS form or a blank sheet of paper. In this case, we’re printing onto a blank sheet of paper, so we’ll select that option.

Click the “Print Forms” button.

The following screen will appear. Click the print button in the upper right corner.

Next, the print preview screen will appear. Click the “Print” button in the lower right corner.

Your forms will be sent to your printer.

Tip: It’s a good idea to load plain paper in your printer for a test print. That way, you won’t waste your pre-printed forms! Just hold your plain paper print in front of a form to check the alignment.

Before you run that test print!

It’s also an excellent idea to check your printer settings before you begin.

Tip: The number one cause of avoidable form alignment issues are hidden printer settings for scaling and fit to page. Be sure to check that your Scale is set to Custom and 100%.

You can typically find scaling options in your printer’s system dialog under Printer Properties, Preferences or Advanced settings.

Correcting alignment issues

If your print settings were fine and your test print still revealed some alignment issues, Adams Tax Forms Helper can help you make some adjustments.

So, let’s go back to the print menu.

From the Print Menu screen, you can move your data right, left, up or down using the adjustment indicators. You can alter your margins in the adjustment fields.

Good on you! You’ve successfully printed multiple forms!

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